Friday, June 18, 2010

change....what is this word actually means....

we call it the matter of fact but i call it the destiny...which is i guess one at the same thing...coz fact and destiny is equal to some extent....
I hate change...this is what i always say and most of the people say too...there are very few people who actually say we love change(atleast what i have seen)..but its just a sentence....deep down no one wants that...whatever we get in our life it may be happiness or sorrows; it may be success or failures we actually accept it and then we live with it cursing our destiny but we never tend to change it....we get so settled with it that human nature of ours just simply deny to accept....
But somewhere this is where we close our barriers of exploring life we just put limits on us and we move on like that...


  1. there are so many thngs that dont comply wid in this... and the reason i aint writing them done is cause i thnk it wod take a blog to bring them all up and justify the basis behind it.....

  2. i have just written some things wht i observed...i have not written everything though...just wrote some initial things
