Wednesday, March 24, 2010

engineering students vs modesty(other students)

this is what i am writing on my personal experience what i have heard its not necessary that everyone should agree to this..i am writing what i saw...
well...this we all have heard lacs of times and engineering students are tired of defending themselves and now got self agreed that engineering students are wrong, 11th hour studing, less IQ level than other faculty especially medical students..and on and on and on....this is i guess need some debating voice too....
i dont agree with all this for sure....
yes eng students have fun element in their lives or lets just say the masti element but is that so they are called irresponsible....??? living in a semester life we live in a bracket of submissions assignments, practicals, records, journals, notes, unit tests, internals/ externals etc...and still conquering to all this there are final 5 subjects too....i dont see this is an easy task as others say....the 11th hour study is because we have to complete the other issues too.....i have seen people praising medical students so much that i feel sick sometimes....i find it stupid though.
engineering students have dark sides i agree but dont have medical students have that??? i mean i am not bullying them but dont they have smoking, drinking, flirting, hostel life, night outs, last hour study things to them!!!! medical field is vast so engineering field dont have researches? 3 sub in 1 and half yr and making business of people life's medical field feels tht they are king!!!
i agree they are GOD for mankind but similarly engineers are too...from the smallest household things upto mobiles computers, cars, medical equipments, n number of things are made by engineers....

my point is this comparison has to stop...upto what time we will nod to the pointless things....!!! there is nothing in this world which is superior because GOD has made one thing up to another....the respect has to be there for every field because every field is a winner in its own!


  1. hahahaahaha.. seems like u r being compared to a medico a lot..!!

  2. Engineering is to energy in life!...and medicos remind me of nothing but sickness or a boring life :P... Life in engineering i wouldn't say challenging but sure much multifaceted and wid tremendous vistas to explore which are the exact constraints to da medicos :S...
    ...that was very observant of you suyasha nicely penned!
